St. Mary School library has a fully networked circulation system which makes it possible for both the students and teachers to locate materials in our library from any classroom. We have a large selection of materials and take advantage of the Appleton Public Library for materials not available through our school.
Library skills are taught Preschool through 8th grade. Students are scheduled in the library once per week and may visit at non-scheduled periods when classroom time permits.
St. Mary's Bookshelf
A listing of books that students will be exposed to before they graduate from St. Mary School.
Summer Reading List
Destiny Discover
Click here to learn more.
Fang's Reading Club
Virtuous Reading Program
The purpose of the Virtuous Reading program is to encourage students to read quality literature that has characters who display God’s virtues of Faith, Hope and Love and the human virtues of Community, Justice, Courage, Service, and Reconciliation. The program is based on suggestions gathered from The Working Reading List for Catholic School Studentswritten by Kay Burgess and published by the National Catholic Educational Association.
Virtuous Reading Verfication Form
Virtuous Reading Collection - Primary Grades
Virtuous Reading Collection - Intermediate Grades
Virtuous Reading Collection - Middle School